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Workers to Hire works for you
Australia is in the midst of an employment crisis. Not within living memory has there been more jobs than people to fill them. At the same time, many older Australians are seeking to supplement their retirement incomes whilst many younger Australians are looking to put a foot on their career ladder.
The employment model that served industry well over the last 50 years is broken. Expensive advertising remains out of reach for many small-to-medium size businesses and fails to find candidates for larger employers. Candidates too are left wanting to balance work and life responsibilities. Many are saying goodbye to the old 9-5 routine.
Workers to Hire provides a better model of recruitment for candidates and employers. Candidates no longer have to apply for roles and wait for rejection letters. Media stories of people wearing a sandwich board to advertise their employment search are over too! In a candidate-scarce market, job seekers can afford to be picky. And they are!
On Workers to Hire, employers search for candidates who have posted a profile of their work experience, skills, and the type of work they are seeking. Employers initiate contact with candidates, saving time and money. Employers can also post job roles. In regional areas, Workers to Hire is also a great way to attract young travellers and retiring nomads.
Whether you are looking to supplement your existing income to meet increasing costs of living, seeking to reapply your career skills in retirement, or embark on something new, you can do it with Workers to Hire. What’s more, you can post your work search profile for free.

How It Works?
Create A Profile
Tell prospective employers about your skills and experience so that they can find you.
Employers Search for You
Employers search for people with the experience and skills that they need - saving time and money.
Employers contact you or you can apply for active roles posted by employers.